Norm – male
Verna – female

Both are spayed/neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.

Both born March of 2021

Verna & Norm were living at an acreage/farm with many cats. Their elderly caretaker passed away and the county set a date to demolish the house. A very ambitious lady was able to capture all the cats before they would surely have been killed in the demolition.

Norm is a bit shy and wary of strangers, but once he picks you as his person, he is very playful and sweet.
He has an adorable, folded ear and he always has a surprised look on his face. He is a petite and polite cat.
He likes to stretch out on the carpet and have his whole body rubbed. He also loves chin scratches and to look out the window.
He is obsessed with his feather wand toy. He will try to pick it up and bring it to you to play.

Verna (nickname: Mama) is a very mellow cat. She is petite but has a cute round belly She is very quiet, even her meow is silent. She is learning that she might like to sit on your lap
Verna loves food! She also loves head scratches and being brushed all over. She purrs when she sees the brush.
Verna has a squished looking face, like an exotic cat.

Verna is newly diagnosed with FIV. She will have all her teeth removed as they were infected, and she wasn’t able to fight off the infection.
Cats with FIV have a similar life span as cats without the virus. It is only spread through deep bites, so the risk of transmission is low.
 Both cats get along with other cats. Untested with dogs.

 They would do well in a quiet environment or with kids that will respect their space.