

Born: April 2021

Neutered, Vaccinated, & Microchipped.

I have spent most of my life on the streets, all 2 years of it, scavenging trying to survive.  Some people helped me, some hurt me.  I have scars.   I got so sick, on April 29/23, I walked into the garage of a valued member of ECWAR.  I knew she’d help me, and she did.  I had so many worms it was bulging out like a mass in my tummy. 

I’m all better now, after great treatment at the vet.  I’m with a wonderful foster Mom and I LOVE being in a home.  No more street tomming for me.

  I have a few nicknames already. Tommy Too (so that I have a similar nickname with Maxxy Moo Moo and Spacey Boo Boo), Tomasito, Meat-a-saurus Rex, Tomcat.

   I am a lovey dovey cat, can’t get enough and love to give.

 I am still learning I don’t have to scavenge anymore.  I do still take an opportunity for food, just in case. 

    If you leave anything on the counter that has a hint of meat in it, I will attempt to get to it (like any good scavenger would do).

    I love to get brushed, and scratches anywhere, especially around my face (ears, mouth,

chin. . . I am not fussy, just give me some scratches!!!). I will rub up against you and leave traces of me for you to remember me by (so my foster home is using that brush a lot . . . good thing I love it!).

Things I overheard foster mom say we will work on.

1) weight gain

2) eating dry cat food

3) not scavenging

4) getting used to that long limbed animal called Toby (which I am told is a dog . . . he is sooooo tall)

5) snuggling (not! I am already willing to do that!)

 I am so ready for my forever Home, come & meet me, I won’t disappoint!