We welcome your application but there are a few things you should know.

These are cats we have rescued. We don't want to see them on the streets again or have them go through another stressful process of being rescued and rehomed.

So we are looking for guardians who understand the fragility of a rescued animal and want to provide them with a life of love and tenderness. You will need to be patient, kind and have few expectations as well as be willing to commit to a lifetime companion and friend.

If you are looking for a designer cat or a cat as a present or surprise for someone else or have great expectations of immediate affection or are looking for a temporary play friend or while it is convenient, adoption isn't going to work out. This is a lifelong, caring commitment.

To make sure we rehome our special cats to a place that is a good fit for everyone, we will take them back if requested at any time.

As we are not a pet store, we do not fulfill requests for a specific breed or colour nor do we charge a fee as we are not selling anything.  We ask for a contribution to cover their vet costs which goes to help vet other animals.  It doesn't go into anyone's pockets.

Our primary goal is to give these animals a chance at a better life. That better life includes our providing each of our friends with being neutered or spayed, having their shots, getting dewormed if necessary and having a microchip that can be registered to you.  Those costs we have covered with the generous donations of our many friends.

If you are looking for a special friend who needs help to get that better life, please feel free to apply!